F2 Logistics Cargo Movers disband

F2 Logistics Cargo Movers in the PVL. –Marlo Cueto/INQUIRER.net MANILA, Philippines — F2 Logistics management has decided to end its operations of the Cargo Movers team in the Premier Volleyball League (PVL). Amid the rumors surrounding the Cargo Movers for the past weeks, F2 Logistics announced Wednesday that it is disbanding the team and closing…

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F2 Logistics Cargo Movers volleyball team disbanded

F2 Logistics Cargo Movers in the PVL. –Marlo Cueto/INQUIRER.net MANILA, Philippines — F2 Logistics management has decided to end its operations of the Cargo Movers team in the Premier Volleyball League (PVL). Amid the rumors surrounding the Cargo Movers for the past weeks, F2 Logistics announced Wednesday that it is disbanding the team and closing…

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