Filipino artists make plans to restore Pancho Villa grave

National artist for sculpture Frederic Caedo (left) and portrait artist Rudy Aquino begin work on Pancho Villa’s grave in Manila. Photos courtesy of Rudy Aquino. Pancho Villa was the biggest sports celebrity of his time, but the illustrious memory of that greatness is slowly getting eroded by the neglected state of the legendary Filipino boxer’s…

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Martial artists, obstacle bets keep Team PH fourth overall in SEA Games 2023 – rezal404

Karate gold medalist Jaime Lim. -CONTRIBUTED PHOTO PHNOM PENH, Cambodia—Jamie Lim felt a lot of skepticism the past year after a bungled attempt to keep her karate title in the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, doubts that she kept in her chest until a redeeming performance Sunday in the 32nd edition in this Cambodian capital restored…

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